Tsim Tsa Tsui - HongKong @ Night

About me

I'm a photography enthusiast who is love travel & nature photography and doing Outdoor Prewedding Photography for supporting my photography interest.
I do Pre/Wedding photography in Romantic , Simple, Fun way. My Pre/Wedding photography is about capturing your love expression. I do believe that couples should have fun during their photo session so they can showing their best expresion naturally. For couples who will have your Pre/Wedding photo session my suggestion is "Try to think and arrange the Prewedding as a holiday". So u can relax, enjoy, & have fun !!

My photography services ?

Any Photography assignment (Wedding & Prewedding, Potrait, Baby, Maternity Photography)
Wedding Album Design & Printing

For pricing & details please contact me or drop me an email

E-mail : rherman01@gmail.com
Mobile : 0858-80362878, 021-95018158
Address :Perumahan Kota Wisata Blok I5/17

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Andika & Icha

Andika & Icha PreWedding @ Kebun Raya Bogor, 2 April 2007
by Rafael Herman (Mobile +62812-9068420)

Rencana semula seh maunya foto-2 PreWedding ke Kawah Putih Ciwidey, Bandung. Pastinya bakalan asyik punya neh, bisa pergi Kebun Strawberry yg ada di sepanjang jalan menuju Kawah Putih. Tapi rencana tinggal rencana karena ngak jadi ke Ciwidey. Akhirnya kita ke pergi Kebun teh di Kawasan Puncak, tapi lagi asyik-2 foto session I cuaca berubah tidak bersahabat. Maka foto sesion ke-2 nya di lanjutkan ke Kebun Raya Bogor. Malemnya kita makan di sebuah cafe MP di Bogor.

Andika & Icha in High Key

Pictures taken using Canon EOS 400D & Pentax Ist DS

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